2024 - 2025 Proposed Slate of Officers and Directors of the Bankruptcy Bar Association for the District of Maryland

The Board of Directors of the Bankruptcy Bar Association for the District of Maryland ("BBA") has approved for the 2024-2025 term the following slate of officers and directors that was recommended by the Nominating Committee:

President: David G. Sommer
President Elect: Justin P. Fasano
Secretary: Bradley J. Swallow
Assistant Secretary: Marguerite L. DeVoll
Treasurer: Laura S. Bouyea
Assistant Treasurer: Augustus T. Curtis
Joint Events Chair Dennis J. Shaffer
Chapter Events Chair: L. Jeanette Rice
Chapter Events Assistant Chair: Angela L. Shortall
At-Large Director - Baltimore: Jessica Duvall
At-Large Director - Greenbelt: John C. Schropp
Immediate Past President: Brian A. Tucci

The slate will be presented for approval at the Annual Meeting scheduled for May 3, 2024. Attorney members of the BBA who are not on the proposed slate but who wish to run for one of the available positions are invited to submit a notice to Justin Fasano, Secretary, no later than April 15, 2024. The notice must be endorsed by not less than ten (10) other Attorney Members of the Association.

Justin Fasano, Secretary
Bankruptcy Bar Association for the District of Maryland